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Barron’s GRE Words List – 6
Word (Definitions) –> Click Below on word For Details (With Sentence, Synonyms, Antonyms & Picture)
126. Aloft ⇒ ऊपर upward; high up in the air
127. Altercation ⇒ (n) तकरार noisy quarrel
128. Altruistic ⇒ (adj) परोपकारी unselfishly generous; concerned for others; N. altruism: unselfish concern for the welfare of others; unselfishness; OP. egoism
129. Amalgamate ⇒ (v) मिलाना (of societies or groups) combine; unite in
one body ♠ amalgam combination of different things; mixture of
metals (containing mercury) used for filling holes in
130. Amass ⇒ (v) एकत्र करना collect (gradually, in a very large amount)
140. Amazon ⇒ (n) वीरांगना female warrior
141. Ambidextrous ⇒ (adj) कपटी capable of using either hand with equal ease
142. Ambience ⇒ (n) माहौल environment; atmosphere; Ex. restraurant
with a pleasant ambience; ADJ. ambient: completely
surrounding; Ex. ambient temperature
143. Ambiguous ⇒ (adj) अस्पष्ट unclear or doubtful in meaning; having
more than one possible interpretation
144. Ambivalence ⇒ (n) दुविधा the state of having contradictory or conflicting emotional attitudes or opinions
145. Amble ⇒ (n) टहलना walking at an easy unhurried pace; V: walk
slowly and aimlessly ♠ ambrosia food of the gods ♥ nectar drink of the gods; sweet liquid collected by bees
146. Ambulatory ⇒ (adj) और्धालय able to walk
147. Ameliorate ⇒ (v) सुधारना improve
148. Amenable ⇒ वश्य obedient; compliant; readily managed; responsive; willing to be led; answerable or accountable legally; responsible; able to be tested by; Ex. amenable to sensible suggestions; Ex. He is very amenable; Ex. amenable to the usual tests
149. Amend ⇒ (v) संशोधन correct; change ; generally for the better
150. Amenities ⇒ (n) आराम convenient features that helps to make life
pleasant; social courtesies
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